I graduated from the British College of Osteopathy and Naturopathy in London in 1990.
After practicing for 3 years in London, I traveled the world for a lovely bit and then was lucky enough to end up in the beautiful Bay of Plenty. I have worked as an Osteopath in Tauranga for over 25 yrs and I love my job.
I am a fully qualified member of the Osteopathic Council of New Zealand (OCNZ)
In addition to Spinal pain and dysfunction- neck, mid and low back; I also treat a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders- shoulders, hips, knees; headaches; stress and tension; postural tension; the elderly- often for a regular monthly WOF, visceral disorders; new born babies- check ups after a difficult birth, colic, reflux, flat heads often coming from restricted neck rotation etc
Since having 2 wonderful children myself (now teenagers!) my expertise in treating babies, children and pregnant women became far more real.
I like to take a holistic approach looking also at nutrition, exercise, stress and prevention. It’s all about balance.
I use a wide range of treatment approaches including massage techniques, muscle stretching, joint mobilization, manipulation when appropriate, biodynamic cranial techniques, visceral techniques, exercise and postural advice.